Hello fellow readers!
This is part two of three updates. This time featuring my latest Kingtiger in 1:35. Its the old Dragon #6232 which i modded into a "last of its kind" Tiger II. I had a lot of reference pictures and books to work it out - but i think it turned out pretty good for my first tiger ;-)
I also spend him a set of Friul ATL-42 and etched parts from ABER. Its painted with Tamiya Acyrlics and weathered with AK-Interaktive.
Keep up for part three - the final diorama. It will be released in a few days!
iminKdempyo Curtis Bethea https://wakelet.com/wake/lE9O9ox6Mf0SlbjXBfbbz
conttaXcastbe-1978 Karen Carter WonderShare Recoverit
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